Rubric: What are the learning goals?
Comic Book Rubric | Excellent | Good | Fair | No Credit |
Research Include your research from part 1. This is everything from steps 1-4. | Research included T-Chart is present and all questions are answered. | One piece is missing. | Two pieces are missing. | Three or more pieces are missing or work reflects little thought. |
Length Is your cartoon at 9 boxes in length. | Cartoon is at least 9 boxes. | Cartoon is between 6-9 boxes. | Cartoon is between 3-6 boxes. | Cartoon is less than 3 boxes, don't even bother handing it in. |
Quality Does your final product look like something you would want to buy? | Cartoon is professional in appearance. | Cartoon has some mistakes in it. | Cartoon has mistakes and needs more organization. | Cartoon is sloppy and reflects little/no effort. |
Creativity Is your research included in your cartoon in an interesting way? | Research is included in the cartoon. Cartoon is interesting and well executed. | Research is included in the cartoon, but there needs to be more. | Research missing from cartoon, but it makes sense. | Cartoon does not make sense and doesn't reflect research. |
Content I can tell what Amendment you chose for your cartoon by reading your cartoon. | Readers can clearly tell what Amendment is being discussed and story is about the Amendment. | Readers can tell what amendment is discussed but the story sways from the main point. | Only an educated reader would understand your story. | Content is mostly/completely absent from the cartoon. |